






  1、showing interest/surprise


  i'm surprised to hear that.

  do you? /did you? /have you?

  2· asking follow-up questions

  what did you think of…?

  when are you going to…?

  how do you feel about…?

  3· using the speaker's words in a follow-up question

  so the meeting's been postponed until next march.

  next march?

  4.letting of invitation

  the following phrases are useful for formal written invitations.

  5· inviting/offering

  we should like to invite you…

  we should be very pleased if you could…

  we would be delighted if you could…

  6· thanking

  thank you (very much) for your (kind) invitation to…

  it was very kind of you to invite me to…

  i was delighted to receive your invitation to…

  7· accepting

  i would be very pleased to …

  i should be delighted to…

  8· declining

  unfortunately, due to… i am unable to…

  9.describing duties and responsibilities

  the following phrases are used for talking about responsibilities.

  my job is to…

  i'm responsible for…

  my job involves…

  in this job you have to…

  9.report writing

  the following phrases are useful when writing reports.

· introduction

  the aim/purpose of this report is to…

  this report sets out to…

  this report aim to…

  10· conclusion

  it was decided/agreed/felt that…

  no conclusions were reached regarding…

  it was concluded that…

  11· recommendations

  we would recommend that…

  it is suggested that…

  it is proposed that…

  12· asking for information

  we can ask for information using a fixed phrase followed by a noun.

  i'd like to know about availability.

  what about…?

  can you tell me about…?

  13· checking information

  we can use the following phrases for checking information.

  sorry, i didn't get that. could you say that again?

  sorry, did you say…?


  the following phrases are useful when we make suggestions.


  why don't we…?

  how/what about…?

  i think we should…

  perhaps we could…

  couldn't we…?

  if we…we could/should…

  15.making presentations

  the following phrases are used when making presentations.

  16· referring to visuals

  if you'd like to look at the screen, you'll see…

  as you can see…

  17.expressing hindsight

  we can talk about past mistakes in the following ways.

  with hindsight, we should have/could have…

  what we should have/could have done is…

  if we'd…, we wouldn't have…

  1、showing interest/surprise


  i'm surprised to hear that.

  do you? /did you? /have you?

  2· asking follow-up questions

  what did you think of…?

  when are you going to…?

  how do you feel about…?

  3· using the speaker's words in a follow-up question

  so the meeting's been postponed until next march.

  next march?

  4.letting of invitation

  the following phrases are useful for formal written invitations.

  5· inviting/offering

  we should like to invite you…

  we should be very pleased if you could…

  we would be delighted if you could…

  6· thanking

  thank you (very much) for your (kind) invitation to…

  it was very kind of you to invite me to…

  i was delighted to receive your invitation to…

  7· accepting

  i would be very pleased to …

  i should be delighted to…

  8· declining

  unfortunately, due to… i am unable to…

  9.describing duties and responsibilities

  the following phrases are used for talking about responsibilities.

  my job is to…

  i'm responsible for…

  my job involves…

  in this job you have to…

  9.report writing

  the following phrases are useful when writing reports.

· introduction

  the aim/purpose of this report is to…

  this report sets out to…

  this report aim to…

  10· conclusion

  it was decided/agreed/felt that…

  no conclusions were reached regarding…

  it was concluded that…

  11· recommendations

  we would recommend that…

  it is suggested that…

  it is proposed that…

  12· asking for information

  we can ask for information using a fixed phrase followed by a noun.

  i'd like to know about availability.

  what about…?

  can you tell me about…?

  13· checking information

  we can use the following phrases for checking information.

  sorry, i didn't get that. could you say that again?

  sorry, did you say…?


  the following phrases are useful when we make suggestions.


  why don't we…?

  how/what about…?

  i think we should…

  perhaps we could…

  couldn't we…?

  if we…we could/should…

  15.making presentations

  the following phrases are used when making presentations.

  16· referring to visuals

  if you'd like to look at the screen, you'll see…

  as you can see…

  17.expressing hindsight

  we can talk about past mistakes in the following ways.

  with hindsight, we should have/could have…

  what we should have/could have done is…

  if we'd…, we wouldn't have…



  1.be itching for a chance to do 很想找个机会试一试

  形容词itching的意思是“渴望的”,be itching to do意为“渴望做某事”;for a chance指“找机会”,因此整个习语的意思即为“渴望得到机会试做某事”。

  a: I am itching for a chance to cooperate with Mike. I hear he’s a very competent person. 我很想找机会和迈克合作一次。听说他特别能干。

  B: Everyone who has worked with him will have a deep impression on that point. 是的。每个和他一起工作的人都对此深有体会。

  2.be of one mind 意见一致,看法相同


  a: What do the board think about this plan? 董事会对这项计划怎么看?

  B: They are of one mind in passing it. 他们一致通过。

  a: Good news. 太好啦。

  3.be in full swing 正在全力进行,处于活跃阶段

  in full swing的意思是“活跃”。该习语的意思即引申为“处于(工作的)全面展开、进行阶段”。例如:Thebuilding project is in full swing.(这个建筑工程正处在全力进行之中。)

  a: I hear your company in expanding itsbusiness. 我听说你们公司正在扩展生意。

  B: Yeah. We’re setting up a new factory nowand the work on it is in full swing. The project will becompleted in three months. 是的,我们正在新建一个工厂。工程正处于全面施工阶段,三个月内就可以完工了。

  4.be in high gear 全力进行

  gear指“齿轮,传动装置”,high gear的意思是汽车的“高速档”。该习语字面意思为“机器正处在高速档(快速运转)”,实际指“事物正处在全力进行当中”。

  a: By the way, how is your business going? Is it proceeding smoothly? 哎,你的生意最近如何?进展还顺利吗?

  B: Yes, it’s in high gear. 一切都在全力进行。

  5.be of two minds 拿不定主意

  Be of two minds和be in two minds的意思基本相同,均表示“左右摇摆”或“拿不定主意,下不了决心”。例如:Don’t depend on him to decide. He always seems to be of two minds on importantmatters.(别指望他能做出决定。在重要事情上他好像总拿不定主意。)

  a: Are you ready to take the plunge and pound the pavements for new one? 你是否准备大胆采取措施,排除障碍,重新再来?

  B: I’m still of two minds. But I do seem to like to quit my present job. 我依然犹疑不决。我确实想放弃现在的工作。

  a: What kind of job are you aiming at? I mean, do you have a particular job in mind? 你想做什么样的工作? 我的意思是说,在你脑子里有没有特别的选择?

  B: I have a good mind to go into business. I think I can be equally successful as most otherwomen in business. 我想进军商海。我想我会得到与商海里其他女性同样的成功。


  议题Topic for discussion

  双方商定的议程Schedule mutually agreed upon

  开幕会议Opening session

  全体会议Plenary session



  小组讨论Panel discussion

  同有关单位磋商Hold consultations9 with the organizations concerned

  一轮会谈One round of talks


  谅解备忘录Memorandum10 of understanding


  i declare the meeting open.


  i invite the representative of …To take the floor.

  下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况Now I would like to give you a brief overview11 of Beijing's economy.


  that's all for my presentation.thank you.


  so much for my remarks for now.


  that's all for what I want to say.


  i wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?


  if you agree (With your permission), let me start with one issue


  Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.


  i wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter?


  i propose a ten-minute break.


  i will pick up where we left off just now.


  sorry for the interruption but


  By all means.


  whatever you say.


  i have no objection.


  we take exception to this question.


  we note with pleasure that …


  i wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you?


  i wonder how the meeting went this morning?


  we would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable12 and prompt commitment as soonas possible.


  You are kindly13 requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August.


  Entangle14 this issue.

  提倡节约Advocate/uphold thriftiness15

  为了国家的繁荣For the sake of national property


  the time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression.

  密切注视Keep close watch on

  促进密切合作Spur/promote intensive cooperation


  我们要加班we have to work overtime


  在工作节奏飞快的今天,加班已经不再是人们在传统意义上所认为的“无能的表现”,但i'm afraid that we have to work overtime.的确不是什么好消息,而i've been working overtime lately.则会令许多人产生共鸣。


  a:i'm afraid that we have to work overtime this week.


  B:i've had it. i've been working overtime lately. do you iknow how many hours i work each day now?


  a:loosen up! it's not worth 2ettin2 udset about. we have no choice but to make our plan complete at the end of this month.


  B:goodness! that's tough indeed! 14 to 16 hours each day.


  a:i surely you'ii be paid extra for 6 t0 8 hours overtime every day.


  B:i don't care. i do not need money. i'd like to enjoy life more than work.


  a:don't be so scnsitive. i've seen worse.


  B:i know, i'm just whining. when we work overtime we're paid time and a half after all.



  i'm tired of working overtime.


  sometimes l work vcry long hours.


  i certainly hope the answer will be favorable.


  that work has really knocked me off.



  afford 夹得起,支付得起

  worthwhile 益处,合算

  Behind schedule 落后于预定计划


  1. Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth.


  买东西最担心被宰,所以不管是不是被宰了,行家都要先造出声势,用这句话镇住卖家。“ Rip someone off ”意为某商店或商贩企图宰它的顾客。

  如:“ The shop tried to rip me off, but I taught them a good lesson. ”(那个商店企图宰我,结果让我教训了一顿)。

  如果真的被狠宰了一下,你当然还可以说,“ I was ripped off .”或者“ I was cleaned out”。

  2. Can you give me a little deal on this?


  can you give me this for cheaper?


  你要注意的是这样的问题一般只在“market”(市场)这些地方问,像“ shopping mall”(购物中心),“supermarket”(超市)和“department store”(百货商场) 里说这样的话,就不太合适,因为除了大型商品,一般物品是不打折的。

  3. Is there any discount on bulk purchases? 我多买些能打折吗?

  give me a discount. 给我打个折吧。

“Bulk purchases”就是“大量地购买”,等于“buy something in bulk”。

“ discount ”是折扣的意思。平时在商店里常出现的表示打折的牌子是“ on sale ”。

  专门卖廉价物品的商店叫“ bargain store ”,店里卖廉价商品的柜台可以叫做“ bargain counter ”。

