






  I have a very happy family. I like my mother and father very much. And m father is a hero in my heart. I always talk wiht him.My father is a worker. He goes home very late at night every day. I always don't go to bed until my father goes back. I feel very sad. Because my father is very tired every day. My father loves me very much. He can do many things for me, so he is my hero. He ofte ncares of my study. I always try to do the best in my class. I want to be a person like my father. I will work harder and harder. I will do my best to be the No.


  Learning lei feng in these days, I have a lot of experience, also has a lot of questions.

  Previously, whenever I hear more of lei feng is story, I will think he is stupid, somebody else from unknown to him, why did he help them? And clearly mere, why am I still so happy? I don't understand, until one day.

  I saw a little girl in pastry before the door, she pull a long face, do not know what difficulties, because today is her birthday, but she only 1 yuan money can buy a cake, next to her and a few friend, I think it is to accompany her birthday. At this moment, I found my pocket there a dollar money left for breakfast this morning, so I rushed forward, put the money into the hands of the little girl, the little girl smiled to smile toward me: "thank you sister." Say that finish, rushed into the pastry room with his friend's hand, bought a small cake, sitting on the street chair, they smiled, somehow, I also follow to laugh, I revel in the course of a warm picture. At this time, I finally realized just how good to help others and how happy.

  Uncle lei feng. We want to learn from you! Learning that you give, selfless dedication of the great spirit! Your spirit is worth us declare!






  This year, people across China carried out a variety of activities to learn from Lei Feng. I know Lei Feng was happy to help other people. H e always did his best to help them. It’s very good for us to learn from Lei Feng. However we can do a lot of small things to help keep the school clean. Picking up the rubbish on the floor is easy. We also should try our best to help the classmates as much as possible. I think to be a good person is easy and happy.


  after i read the news, i felt very ecited.lei feng was a good eample all the young people in our

  country learned from in the 1960s and 1970s. but these years people seem to have given up the ideas of lei feng. they dont care about public interests and never think for others. all these have done great harm to the society.

  now, we students have realized the seriousness of the problem, and have decided to learn from lei feng. we are glad that lei feng has come back again.


  Lei feng! When people hear the name, will be routed to produce a admiration of love in the heart, less than the age of 23 he was contributing to human life.

  Lei feng was born is the Anti-Japanese War, the people lived in hot water. LeiFengCeng down in a diary: "my family is very poor, grandma, grandpa, father, mother, brother, all die by the hand of the enemy and class enemies, this intense, I always remember in heart." Want to revenge for relatives, lei feng was found by the company commander asked a soldier in the people's liberation army. The company commander didn't agree with, but to give him a pen. In 1950, when the children's corps colonel, lei feng took an active part in land reform. In the same year summer, party branch secretary of the township government for him to read for free, in 1954 to join the Chinese young pioneers.

  Since 1961, lei feng often invited to a lecture, he to travel much, much more chances of serving the people are. People around the phrase: "lei feng travels on business, good do a train." One time lei feng egresses, transfer in the shenyang station, a wicket, he found a group of people around a middle-aged woman carrying a child. This woman from liaoning goes to jilin fromshandong to look at the husband, the ticket and the money lost. Lei feng hurriedly with his allowance bought a ticket to jilin the train ticketto to sister-in-law hand, eldest sister-in-law tears when ground to say: "brother, what's your name? Is which unit?" "My name is the people's liberation army, home is in China." Lei feng is a never-ending, doing good deeds for the people heart and soul, no wonder people saw to do nice things for the people who I think of lei feng, because he is our good example!

  Lei feng to help people, deeply affected offspring, March 5, the day is "learning LeiFengRi", which is on this day, we will take to the streets clean, not only this day, people always wanting to contribute to mankind, whenever someone to borrow something, we will not hesitate to lend to. See who has difficulty, can do their own power to help him. Because every second lei feng's character affects us.

  Lei feng, a familiar but again the name of the heavy, written on our hearts forever!







  there are some voices claiming lei feng’s spirit has gone out of style in today’s society. they reason that in commodity economy people should seek more practical things, such as fame, money and the comfortable life. to them nothing is more important than those things, which is often regarded as the views of the present generation.

  there are some other voices claiming that the spirit of lei feng still has an enormous echo in millions of chinese people. the great soldier’s story has such a strong influence on people’s ideas, values and ways of life that in every field of society there arise countless “living lei fengs”, who follow the example of lei feng and serve the people heart and soul.

  in my opinion, the spirit of lei feng will never be out of date. instead, it has been brought forward. today more and more “lei fengs” are coming forth from various circles among whom “xu hu” has already set a good example to the whole nation. the spirit of lei feng---an unselfish spirit will always encourage us to go forward.


  Lei Feng was a model soldier,On December 1 8,1940,he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province.He didn't go to school till 1950.At the age of 18,he worked as a steel worker.He was often praised for his good job.On January 8,1960,he joined the army.In the same year,he joined the Communist Party.He loved the Party and the people,and constantly did good for others.As a result,he became a model soldier.

  After his death,Chairman Mao called on the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng".The whole nation were moved by his deeds.Lei Feng's spirit will live in our hearts forever


  As we all know,March is the month to learn from the spirit of Leifeng.However ,it become a controversial issue these years wether we should continue to learn from Leifeng or not,especially when affairs that young men who kindly helped the old men were frauded were frequently reported.Again it's March now,do we still need to learn from Leifeng?In my opinion,it's nesseary to learn from Leifeng.Firstly,it's Chinese traditional virtue to help others. The typical story to help others is offering fuel to the poor in snow days.According to legend,in a cold winter ,it's snowing heavily,the Emperor Taizong of Song felt cold even he's beside the fire.So he ordered his soldiers to send charcoal to the poor.Therefor,the story and the good virtue have been circulated so far.To be ready to help others is a kind of traditional culture our ancestor left us,we shouldn't forget it.

  Secondly,if we abandoned the Leifeng Spirit, the world would be dark.Imagine how hard and dull the life would be if people lived in a selfish and indifferent world?No people save the children in water,no donation for the disaters,thats a counterback of a whole nation. So it's necessary for the govement and schools to advocate the spirit of Leifeng.Of course,inevitably there are always evil people in every era.What we can do is take safe measure while helping others.


  In my heart,my hero is LeiFeng.LeiFeng is a person who are very famous in chinese history.In the past,many people knew him as a moral model.Because LeiFeng has a good heart in helping people,especially in old people and children.He likes helping each other.And he did many good things in his short life and leave a great impression on many people for good.


  Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the person too.


  Men are rich only as they give. He who gives great service gets great returns.


  A person to social value, be decided by his affection, thought first with the activity to promote the human benefits have how big functions.


  If a person thoughts of the oneself only, so he whole life, the sad affair feeling is certain more than happy affair's.


  Make greatest efforts to implement your duty, you should will know, how big do you have after all value.


  To person, biggest merriment, the biggest happiness is to offers own spirit power to others.


