


熟能生巧初三英语作文(汇编6篇) 孰能生巧 英语作文

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熟能生巧初三英语作文(汇编6篇) 孰能生巧 英语作文


  Practice makes perfect. This self-evident proverb means doing something repeatedly is the only way to become very good at it. That is to say, practice makes a difference between an inferior performance and a perfect one.

  Learning a foreign language like English is a case in point. You can take in a lot of information about it, such as its pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structures, grammatical rules, idioms, and usages, but all these tend to quickly escape from your memory. Therefore, you must practise listening, reading, speaking and writing so as to remember them and become fluent in the language.

  The truth represented by “practice makes perfect” can also be found in other areas. A skillful tailor is one who has certainly made a large variety of clothes, while a competent surgeon is one who has performed a great number of operations. Engage yourself in performing tasks instead of just learning about them, and you will learn to become a perfect doer.


  The well known proverb "Practice makes perfect." means that when we set about a difficult task or begin to learn something new, we need to practice constantly. Getting familiar with something is merely the first step. Only through constant practice can we get to know how each parts are related and only in this way can we become skilled in doing the work and in the end have a better command of it.

  Many examples can be cited to illustrate this fact. Learning to write English composition is a good case in point. Many students complain that writing in English is really a great problem for them. But do you notice how often they practiced writing English compositions in their daily life? If they fail to follow what the proverb says, if they don't write regularly in English, how can they expect to improve their writing?

  Let's take playing piano as another example. Many want to be famous pianists, but few know the road to success. How can oneplay the piano wonderfully if he only practices it once inawhile. The road to success is filled with hard work. Only when one persists in practicing hour after hour, day after day can he get to the peak of success.

  There are other countless examples in our daily life, but I think the above mentioned are evident enough to illustrate the truth of the proverb. We ought to keep the proverb in mind whenever we do something new and difficult.


  There is a universal saying that practice makes perfect, however I think appropriate practice makes perfect considering to training technique, training volume and other reasons.

  Practice can make you remember and understand something new, but inappropriate practice may make your effort useless or even lead you to the opposite direction. Therefore, before your practice, you should think about whether your method, plan are appropriate or not. Only the appropriate method and plan help you get what you wish. Practicing oral English, for instance, if you say a word in a poor pronunciation, no matter how many times you say it, you will never pronounce it correctly.




  Some people believe that you can do a thing as long as you practice it several times, while others don't believe it. I believe that practice makes perfect, because I have seen with my own eyes that someone can study hard and practice successfully. He is - my father.

  One day, while we were having dinner, we suddenly heard a man knocking at the door, and my mother ran to open the door. The man said, "Hello, I'm the host of a TV program group. This program is called 'dream come true', which is a challenging program. If successful, it will be broadcast on Beijing Radio 2, and there will be a lot of electrical appliances." my mother let him in. They said for most of the day, and my father agreed. The man asked my father to challenge a project, It's called "change straw hat quickly".

  When my father began to practice, he threw one top off and couldn't catch it. My father was worried because the time to practice this project was very short, only seven days, so my father decided to consult the circus teacher tomorrow to improve his level. On the next day, he made great progress and was able to pick up ten. In order to be in a hurry, my father began to practice at six o'clock on the third day. I could do seventeen or eight. At this time, I was still sleeping! The fourth day was Monday, so my father went to work at the project site, but he still couldn't forget his quick change straw hat. What if there was no straw hat there? He picked up some hard hats and practiced, and the other workers laughed. On the fifth day, my father showed off his straw hat in the bank. How brave! Time flies. One day before the live broadcast, my father practiced at home again, accompanied by beautiful erhu music. Finally, he finished according to the specified goal and made 30.

  It was time for the dream to come true, and my father stepped onto the stage with confidence. Ready, go! My father stretched his eyebrows and made it. I saw me silently counting on the audience stage: "one, two, three, four... 27, 28, 29, 30, all together!" We swarmed up and shouted.

  If you ask, "why can your father practice in seven days?" I will tell you: "practice makes perfect!"


  People often say that you can make perfect. In fact, it is much easier to find a method in practice.

  Recently, because of the virus outside, I read the past videos and photos about myself on my computer, hoping to have a good time. Inadvertently, I saw a guitar playing video sent to my sister in the summer vacation a year ago. At that time, I was a beginner. As soon as I touch the string, my left hand hurts. But at that time, just because I was studying, I was so curious that I even played the little stars strangely. At that time, I read the dense six element manual and played eight notes, but the notes were also very small and the key ran away.

  Once, that scene made me feel countless emotions. How many efforts did I make my zither skills from primitive to mature? From that video, I stumbled and groped for myself, and now I play myself easily.

  Like the story of "oil man" I learned yesterday. The same truth is that the old man in the story doesn't have this ability one day. Only proficiency can make him proficient. I remember when I was learning guitar, when I met a complex place, or when I was too fast to connect, the teacher would say to us, "don't worry, play slowly, play carefully, and then accelerate. Practice makes perfect!" I think so. Finally, muscle memory is gradually formed. I can't forget it if I want to forget it.

  In the next exercise, I summarize some skills. If your fingers get close to the column on time, it will be easier and the sound will be better. I practice Maple City repeatedly in this way. At first, I only played one line, which was very difficult and muted. With my constant efforts, I finally finished playing a page, but I always feel wrong, that is, playing one sound at a time and facing the music score, but I can't always play that quiet feeling. I listened to the original work again and again, and finally realized that the rhythm of "d" was wrong! I didn't stop when it was time to stop! I started again and again, and finally I succeeded!

  Yes, often practice, introspection practice, many things become perfect in the process of practice.


  The summer vacation after graduating from primary school, I was finally able to go fishing with my father by the Han River without pressure.

  When he came to the Han River, his father prepared the fish food, hook, line and rod as quickly as possible. At the same time, he quickly combined them, then threw the hook into the river, and soon there was a fish biting the hook.

  I stood by and watched happily, so I took out my own exclusive tools. With the help of my father, I "pieced" the fishing rod and fishing line together very hard and clumsily. At this time, I was already soaked with sweat.

  The next step is to hang the fish food. I watched my father bury the fish hook in the fish food, and then gently pull out the fish hook. I did the same, but when I pulled it, there was nothing on the fish hook. I tried several times in a row, but they were the same. I had no choice but to hang up a little bit.

  After I finished the second task with difficulty, "throwing the rod" is looking at me covetously. I still did what my father did: tighten the fishing line with my hand, and then as soon as my hand was loose, it bounced out obediently. Dad did it well, but I'm 100% in trouble. First I hooked the hook in my hand, and then I threw the hook into the grass. My God! At this time, I suddenly saw the grandpa opposite throwing the sea pole: throw the fishing line behind him, and then throw it a few meters away with all his strength. It's so cool! I learned from him, threw the pole out, and finally succeeded. I cheered and jumped up.

  As time went by, Dad had a good harvest, but there was no movement on my side. Just when I was surprised, I turned my head back. Oh, well, I left the fish food on the shore. My patience is finally worn out. Come on, I'd better learn from Jiang Taigong fishing - those who wish to take the bait.

  Seeing my father fishing one fish after another, I couldn't help it after all. I asked my father, "Why are you so powerful?" Dad smiled and said, "you stay at home every day. Sometimes you call you to go fishing. You catch it and run to play. Your mother and I come as soon as we have time. After a long time, we naturally feel it. Moreover, your mother is also called 'female Fisherman' because she can catch fish every time."

  I finally understand that there are no skills in fishing. In addition to relying on luck, I also have deep experience and know where to throw it? How? When? Isn't it the same as learning to swim? At the beginning, I could only swim a few meters, and my movements became different. But after a summer vacation of practice, I could swim up 400 meters casually Gradually, I also have some experience in fishing. I can not only successfully complete a series of actions, but also catch a few fish sometimes. If you ask me what skills I have, I will say, "I don't have him, but I'm familiar with my hands."

熟能生巧初三英语作文(汇编6篇) 孰能生巧 英语作文
