







  Treacherous road conditions 危险的道路环境

  public transit 公共交通

  drunk driving 酒后驾驶

  means of transportation 交通方式

  vehicle 交通工具

  densely-populated 人口密集的

  be squished up 被挤得跟沙丁鱼似的

  impose higher taxes on 在……上课以重税

  metropolitan 大都市的

  underpass 地下通道

  overpass 天桥

  steam-driven 蒸汽驱动的

  petrol-driven 石油驱动的

  hydrogen-driven 氢气驱动的

  chaotic 混乱的




  state-of--the--art, cutting edge 尖端的

  revolutionize 彻底改革

  automated, mechanized 自动化的;机械化的

  mass---production 大规模生产

  cost--effective/economica l性价比高的

  Transform 改变

  breakthrough 突破

  break boundaries 打破界限

  advance 发展,前进

  information overload, information explosion 信息过量; 信息爆炸

  inconceivable, novel, user--friendly 想象不到的;原创的;用户友好的

  speed up/accelerate, augment/enhance/boost efficiency 加速;提高效率

  innovation, ingenious 创新;有独创性的

  at a staggering rate 以一种令人惊愕的速度

  ultra--lightweight, portable 超级轻便的;可携带的


  The proliferation of the Internet/the intensive use of the Internet/the widespread use of the Internet 网络的普及



  have telephone and e-mail made communication between people less personal?

  do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


  这个话题属于对现代科技的探讨,无论是支持还是反对考生的论述重点都需要放在是让交流变得less personal。这道题目反对会比较好写,因为一般都会说电话邮件拉近了人与人之间的距离,想要找到相关的例子也比较简单,而且更方便的交流并不能说是less personal的。所以这两者之间并不存在必然的因果关系。


  some people argue that telephones and e-mail have made communication between people less personal. I both agree and disagree with this statement. Truly, Telephones and email are less personal than meeting someone face-to-face. However, They on any account can't impair the intimacy between people. As mentioned above, using the telephone or email to communicate with others is definitely less personal than speaking with someone in person. There are many advantages of communicating with someone face to face. For example, you can read their body language. Body language, which includes facial expressions, is a key indicator of how a person is reacting to the conversation. If we are not present to be able to see these clues, there is much more room for misinterpretation. This can cause annoying misunderstandings between people, especially when having a serious discussion about an important matter. This, however, does not mean that communication is less personal between people because of these technologies. I believe that when people need to have a serious conversation, they will use the telephone or email to set up a meeting time to discuss a topic in person. For the most part, individuals will not have an important conversation utilizing one of these methods. When viewed from this perspective, it becomes clear that the telephone and email actually enhance our ability to communicate effectively with others. Because of these technologies, we can easily access others when necessary. In conclusion, I think that if a person is going to solely use the telephone or email as his primary method of communication, his communication with others will definitely be less personal. However, if the person uses these technologies to contact others, but saves important conversations for face-to-face meetings, there is no loss of connection.

