






  culpable: 该受谴责的; deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper

  1) meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful

  2) deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious. blameworthy.

  3) culpability, culpableness, culpably

  4) careless, deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious

  5) (adj.) deserving blame; guilty

  Synonyms: blameworthy, guilty, liable

  culpable : blame

  Though she was clearly culpable, she was never even charged for the crime.

  The convicted criminal still denies that he is culpable for the robbery.

  exemplary a. 可仿效的,可做模范的

  a:serving as a pattern

  b:deserving imitation:COMMENDABLE



  imitation n. 模仿,效法,冒充,赝品

  The quality of an object in possessing some of the nature or attributes of a transcendent

  idea exemplary:imitation=culpable:blame

  innocent n. 天真的人,笨蛋

  free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil:BLAMELESS culpable←→innocent

  reprehensible a. 应斥责的,应该谴责的

  worthy of or deserving reprehension:CULPABLE




  culpable : blame = exemplary : imitation 应受谴责的:谴责<>值的仿效的:仿效

  culpable : blame = redoubtable : regard

(类)culpable: blame=exemplary: imitation 该受谴责的 谴责=可模仿的 模仿


  petulant: 易怒的; characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor : peevish

  1) unreasonably impatient

  2) peevish; cranky; rude | irascible testy touchy

  3) characterized by rudeness or ill humor

  4) easily irritated or annoyed

  petulant <> forbearing, obliging, patient, stoic, tolerant

  1. The long illness put the boy in a petulant mood.

  2. The tone of his voice and the things that he says become quite petulant when he has not gotten enough sleep.

  3. The petulant child just needed some rest; after her nap, she was perfectly cheerful.

  4. He is a petulant and fussy man who is always blaming everyone else for his problems.

【近】crabby, fractious, grouchy, irritable, moody, petulance, choleric, grumpy, irascible, irritable, peevish, perverse, pettish, prickly, raspy, ratty, stuffy, testy


  discreet: 谨慎的,having or showing discernment or good judgment

  1) maintaining or respecting privacy, especially about something of a delicate nature

  2) careful, heedful, chary, wary, prudent

  Synonyms: cautious, modest, prudent, restrained

  discreet <> injudicious (选项有agitated)

  discreet <> brash, imprudent

  They were so discreet about the affair that it was never discovered.


  discreet [diskrí:t] n. 言行)谨慎的,慎重的,审慎的;考虑周到的

  1. marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise 

  Self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect

  2. free from ostentation or pretension; modest

  discreet reckless, tactless, thoughtless, artless, na ve, uncalculating,



(adj.) showing good judgment in conduct; prudent

  we confided our secret in Mary because we knew she'd be discreet.

(言行)谨慎的:having or showing good judgment and restraint especially in conduct or speech

【例】 He was very discreet, only saying what was necessary. 他是个十分谨慎的人,从来不说多余的话。

【近】intelligent, judicious, prudent

【近】 imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious 不谨慎的

【考法2】adj. 不易察觉的: not readily seen or noticed 

【例】 With a discreet gesture, she signaled to her husband that she was ready to leave the party. 她 用一个不起眼的手势向丈夫暗示准备离开聚会。‖followed at a discreet distance 远远地跟踪

【近】 inconspicuous, invisible, unnoticeable, unobtrusive

【近】 apparent, conspicuous, distinct, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, patent, visible 明显的

