


欢度春节的英文祝福语3篇 春节祝福,英文


  下面是范文网小编整理的欢度春节的英文祝福语3篇 春节祝福,英文,供大家参阅。

欢度春节的英文祝福语3篇 春节祝福,英文


1、在这个万家团圆的日子,祝你和家人节日快乐。 I wish you and your family a happy holiday on this happy reunion day. 2、除夕的祝福快乐甜蜜,开心的朋友幸福永远! Happy New Year's Eve, happy and sweet, happy friends forever! 3、新年快乐,这不是俗套的祝愿,而是千古不变的心愿。 Happy new year, this is not a conventional blessing, but an everlasting wish. 4、新年到来,给你拜个早年,愿你万事如愿! When the new year comes, I will give you an early worship. 5、在新年到来之际,祝所有的朋友都能珍惜幸福,为了更好的明年幸福并快乐着! On the arrival of the New Year, I wish all friends can cherish happiness, in order to better next year's happiness and happiness! 6、愿你在新的一年里,大展鸿图,在事业道路上写下辉煌的一笔,加油! I hope you will make great achievements in the new year and write a brilliant career on the road. Come on! 7、愿你事业八面圆通,爱情花好月圆,亲朋团团圆圆,生活玉润珠圆,好运源源不断。新年快乐! May you have a successful career, a full moon in love, a reunion of relatives and friends, a beautiful pearl ball in life and endless good luck. Happy New Year! 8、祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。 I wish you health and longevity in the new year. 9、愿新的一年,我们继续再接再厉,合作双赢,创造新的辉煌! We hope that in the new year, we will continue to make persistent efforts, win win cooperation and create new resplendence. 10、送上问候,传递相思,新年快乐,好运滚滚来! Send greetings, convey Acacia, happy new year, good luck rolling in!


1、祝愿你新春欢乐时光里一直有两位保镖的护航,时刻快乐安康! May you have two bodyguards escorting you all the time during the happy time of the Spring Festival, always happy and healthy! 2、贺新春,庆佳节,恭喜发财!过年好,万事顺,事事如意! Congratulations on the Spring Festival! Happy New Year, everything goes smoothly, everything goes well! 3、新春佳节祝福多,合家团圆幸福多;身体健康快乐多,心情愉快朋友多。 New Year's Festival blessings, family reunion, happiness, health and happiness, happy mood, many friends. 4、亲爱的朋友,让我们一起静静地等待未来,希望和光明以及马上就要敲响的新年的钟声! Dear friends, let's wait quietly for the future, hope and light, and the bell of the New Year that will ring soon! 5、愿新年佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。 May the joy of New Year's Day be with you throughout the year. 6、新年的祝福,愿你心境祥和、充满爱意,美丽填满你的世界,满足和喜悦充满你的每一天。 New Year's greetings. May peace and love fill your world with beauty and contentment and joy fill your days. 7、愿新的一年里,工资闪耀耀,房价归退退,心情美妙妙,日子甜蜜蜜,幸福如意意! May the salary shine, the house price recede, the mood be wonderful, the days be sweet and the happiness be satisfactory in the new year. 8、祝好运健康佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year! 9、其实有些事我们彼此心里清楚就行了,但是新年到了,我不得不把话说明……我的红包呢? In fact, there are some things that we know each other well, but when the New Year comes, I have to explain... Where's my red envelope? 10、祝您笑容常在笑口常开,身体健康万事如意! Wish you a good health and good luck with your smiles and laughter always on your lips!


1、新年佳节,敬祝您欢喜自在,如意吉祥! New Years Day, I wish you joy and ease, and good luck! 2、愿你在这一年里,事事顺心、如意! May everything go smoothly and smoothly in this year! 3、祝愿你快乐每一天,幸福到永远,精彩生活永不变! I wish you happiness every day, happiness forever, wonderful life will never change! 4、愿你们在新年中开开心心,快快乐乐,平平安安。 May you have a happy, happy and peaceful New Year. 5、愿您新春快乐,万事如意,开心幸福! Wish you a happy New Year, all the best, happy and happy! 6、祝你在新的一年里万事如意,身体安康,新年快乐! I wish you all the best in the new year, good health and a happy New Year! 7、新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐! New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you! 8、除夕夜,送你吉祥祝福语,愿你生活美满幸福长! New Years Eve, send you auspicious wishes, wish you a happy and long life! 9、愿您在新的一年充满快乐。 May you have a happy New Year. 10、除夕之夜钟声响,鞭炮齐鸣过新年。 On New Years Eve, bells ring and firecrackers ring in unison for the New Years Eve.

欢度春节的英文祝福语3篇 春节祝福,英文
